
Tower 115

#webdevelopment #webdesign

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Well-arranged information order for people working in business building Tower 115, who can be interested in news connected with this place.

Business design of website has to offer the most intuitive way how to find information here.


We had to solve UX/UI for information order first and design interactive map right after.

Check the hottest news and search and find places nearby as restaurants, relaxation spots, public transport stations, shopping malls, sport facilities, offices, banks, schools and highways. 

Our Solution

Lunch Aggregation

Lunch Aggregation

Zamato website

Web design

Web design

Visual corporate identity

Interactive Map

Interactive Map

Arrangement of strategic points nearby



Lunch aggregation

For all those starving businessmans we have designed system for lunch aggregation.

Simply said you can find here all where and what you can eat.

tower website promo